SME portfolio

Van Den Neste & Partners is also recognized by the Flemish community as a service provider for the SME portfolio in the consulting “pillar”.
SME portfolio

On the basis of this recognition and under certain conditions, the Flemish Region can reimburse part of the costs (30%) for specific consultancy and training projects.

Who is eligible for this grant?

  • Self-employed entrepreneurs, companies and liberal professions. Non-profit organizations (ASBL-VZW) are not eligible.
  • SMEs are, but large companies are not.
  • Private companies (with no more than 25% owned by an administrative authority).
  • Companies established in the Flemish Region.

For which services can I apply for an SME portfolio?

Consulting “Pillar”

What is it? : a written report intended to improve the functioning of your business. Content: focused on key business processes.
inhoud: gericht op de kernprocessen van de onderneming.
Objective: these tips allow you to make correct, justified and fundamental decisions for your business.

A few examples:

  • Preparation of a communication plan
  • Development of a marketing plan,
  • Realization of a market analysis,
  • Realization of an investment analysis,
  • ...

The ultimate goal of this process is to breathe new life into your business. Advice about your usual business expenses or legally required services is therefore not eligible for this support measure. Advice regarding grants is also not eligible.

How much can I benefit from?

The amount of the grant you can receive will depend on the size of your business:

  • A small business that invests in training and consulting can benefit from 40% support through the SME portfolio. You can get a maximum of 10,000 euros per calendar year.
  • A medium-sized company that invests in training and consulting can benefit from a 30% grant thanks to the SME portfolio. With a maximum of 15,000 euros per calendar year.
How to apply for this support measure?

Using the SME Portfolio website.

Do you have any questions? Our partners responsible for the SME portfolio Wim Van Den Neste and Tim Wauters will be happy to assist you.

View the Advice “pillar” certificate here

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